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Integrate eCommerce processes into ERP or CRM

Integrate eCommerce processes into ERP or CRM - manage and plan with an eye to the future.

Time and again, online shipping companies encounter problems in the areas of logistics, customer connectivity and shipping. Such problems should be fixed if you want to be successful in a time of high competitive pressure. ERP systems are a good support to manage data centrally. Not only do you save time troubleshooting or importing or exporting data, but you also network all your sales channels together to achieve greater efficiency. This is because by integrating eCommerce processes into the ERP system, the store software and the ERP software are in constant communication with each other. This can shorten delivery times and simplify the handling of returns. This gives you an enormous advantage in the market and increases your popularity among customers.


Behind both abbreviations are designations for software, which should help companies to work more economically and efficiently.

CRM - Customer Relationship Management

In general, this is a tool or software that helps companies to improve customer relations. Its main tasks are therefore contact management, improving productivity and sales management. The CRM thus forms an interface between marketing, e-commerce, sales and customer service, in order to achieve and maintain the best possible business relationships.

ERP - Enterprise Resource Planning

This system, which brings together several modules centrally, is primarily concerned with the control and advance planning of the resources required for the entire business processes. Thus, areas such as order management, inventory, sales management and accounting are linked together to make the processes as efficient and resource-saving as possible.

In both areas, there is software that can and must vary from company to company. After all, this is an individual optimization of business processes. But ideally, both systems are linked to each other. Otherwise, the workflow in your company is often interrupted and valuable time is lost. If these two systems are linked, then on the one hand the customer service representative can access more information about the customer and their order. And on the other hand, production and management staff can access more information about the customer's requirements and what they want. This is a useful overall solution. Some software manufacturers also offer an integrated CRM solution in their ERP systems.

What are the advantages of web store integration in ERP?

The most obvious advantage is that of centralized data management for all your webshop activities and other sales channels. All data is also synchronized and updated throughout the system at all times. The automation of all processes ensures greater efficiency. At the same time, the system also reduces the error rate. This is because the data does not have to be transferred manually several times, but is stored centrally and can be accessed from anywhere. The system also reduces delivery times and ensures faster and simpler processing in the event of returns. After all, customer satisfaction leads to greater success. And customers are usually satisfied if they receive their goods quickly and can also return them easily if in doubt. The switch to an ERP solution is also worthwhile for your employees. On the one hand, the automation of processes avoids errors and, on the other hand, saves manpower.

When is it worthwhile to integrate a webshop into an existing ERP system?

Every process in your webshop that is controlled and executed via IT contributes to making your system more sensitive to changes. This means that every failure will cost you sales. To avoid this, it is recommended to work with a complete system from the very beginning. Plan for the growth of your business right from the start! Instead of waiting until problems arise, you will eventually have to make a loss.

What challenges does a company face during the transition?

You should know that linking the two systems also means an enormous amount of work. Above all, you will have to invest a lot of time in it. This is because configuring the software, entering customer data and adapting the forms not only requires know-how, but also the willingness to invest a lot of time. But don't worry, because the providers of the software will help you with a smooth transition. In case of doubt, this also includes the specialized training of their employees. The process integration of the online store into the ERP system does involve some hurdles and no small amount of effort, but it pays off in the overall result.

How to plan a web store integration?

First of all, you should record all the processes of your eCommerce system and create an overview. This should include all business processes that are related to their online store. Next, you should list all precise data, such as order numbers, payment data, and item numbers. This is all very time-consuming, but it is worth it. Because once the data is entered into the system, you hardly have to worry about anything, thanks to automated processes. Then you should identify the processes that are slow and inefficient for your company. Because such processes cost a lot of time and resources, which you can use more efficiently elsewhere. Finally, you should have an invoice drawn up that shows how profitable this investment will be. Then, compare the cost of what it will cost to automate the eCommerce of your web store with the current cost of all manual processes. If you see that the cost of integrating their web store with the inventory management system is less than the current labor cost for manual processes, then you can contact an agency to help you make the switch. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us via contact form.

How does the communication between webshop and ERP actually work?

Since not all systems speak the same language, there must be an interface between the systems that converts the data into an understandable form for another system. A so-called API (Application Programming Interface) is used for this purpose. Data can be transferred and translated via this interface. In most eCommerce software solutions, such an interface is usually already integrated. The same applies to ERP systems. In the event that no interface is included, this can also be done via third-party software. If you do not have the necessary knowledge in the field of IT, then it is recommended to use the ERP solution. Since the API is part of this software, you will usually also receive the necessary and professional support from the software provider.

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